1. I have a very addicting personality. I'll usually do something until I get sick of it - like listening to a song, eating a specific food, doing a specific activity. It can be good at times except for those who have to listen to the same song every single day :P
2. I got my little dog (Teddy! You'll see him often on this blog) from NYC (my cute little New Yorker) and he's my most treasured thing in the entire world.
3. I love to read. Self help books mainly but all sorts of genres. Romance, thrillers, autobiographies, and fantasy. My all time favourites are "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.
4. I am awful at remembering lyrics and lines from movies. I wish I could be one of those who can insert lines from movies but I'll just accept that I can't and move on. One day I will quote Top Gun in a conversation.
5. I'm a huge planner and list maker. My best friend Alison can attest to this as we share the same love for lists. I'll literally sit down each Sunday and plan my week or sometimes the entire month.
6. I'm obsessed with anything French. French music? Movies? Food? People? I'm your girl.
7. My background is in business - I studied marketing and sales in uni and it definitely paid off in my past/current career especially on my entrepreneurship journey the past 2 years.
8. One day I'd love to live in Paris, NYC, South Korea (again - I was born there), and Copenhagen.
9. I am NOT a morning person. Usually takes a matcha or coffee and some quiet time before I can really start functioning.
10. I'd like to learn Italian, German, and Japanese. I've always been fascinated with languages and wish I can learn more. Never too late right? New goal for 2018??? Maybe we'll start with Italian.
11. I love love love to travel! Alone or with a group/significant other but I do try to make it a goal to travel once on my own each year. Where should I go this year? I'm thinking somewhere in the states.